Usada Prana Bali is a physical and mental care system that uses the vital energy of life to protect, balance, harmonize and change the energy processes of the body.
The word ' Prana ' is derived from the Sanskrit word ' Pran '. The prefix ' Pre ' refers to constant while ' An ' means movement. When we combine these two words, we get the word ' Prana ' which means a continuous flow of life energy or vital energy. This energy starts from our birth and lasts until our death.
It can also be interpreted that prana is the unit of life that causes breath fluctuations in living people. This energy is well hidden within all of us. Many believe that prana is superior to other senses in the human body. Thus, it is very important to understand Pancha prana in the human body.
As per Hindu mythology, Prana comes from the human Jiva or ' Atman '. The soul experiences the physical world through prana . In every action you take, prana is running rampant. Whether you are breathing through your nose, observing with your eyes, or thinking, prana is everywhere.
Prana is the invisible bio-energy that keeps the body alive and also maintains health. The Chinese refer to this energy as Chi in acupuncture. The Japanese call it Ki in Reiki. This is a simple and powerful non-touch energy healing system. This system is based on the basic principle that the body is a self-repairing entity that has an innate ability to heal itself.
Prana is the vital energy or life force that keeps the body alive and well. In Greek, it is called pneuma , in Polynesian, and in Hebrew, ruah meaning "breath of life." It is the sum total of all energy manifested in the universe, all forces in nature and forces and which lie everywhere around us.
The sages can unravel the mysteries by understanding Prana as the foundation that bridges mind and matter. The dynamics and laws of Prana are understood through the systematic practice of Pranayama to master Prana.
Although the essence of life is viewed as an irreducible metaphysical life force that cannot be measured, original healing systems such as Ayurvedic medicine and modern modalities such as chiropractic rely on the concept of vital force or subtle life energy which is central to healing.
An important difference between the traditional and modern views of the vital force is that the biofield rests on physical and measurable principles, whereas the traditional concept remains metaphysical. Nonetheless, there are many similarities between the ancient concept of life force and the modern concept of the biofield
The Upanishads written thousands of years ago clearly state that Prana is the most vital thing that flows through the veins and refreshes the whole body.
There are several major bioplasmic channels and through these channels flows prana which nourishes and refreshes the whole body and it is sensitive to external impacts. Diseases arise due to blockage, excess, or irregularity in the flow of prana.
Prana is the link between the physical body and the Astal body. When the thin thread of prana is cut, the astral body separates from the physical body. Death occurs. Prana acting on the physical body is drawn into the astral body.
Prana that persists in the plasma state can be seen with the naked eye and felt by anyone with guidance and training.
Usada Prana Bali , encourages patients to realize the life force, or 'prana', which consists of the whole human body.
Through pranic awareness and using soul-awakening techniques, pranic knowledge leads to spiritual self-awareness and the development of latent healing powers.
Moreover, previous research on pranic energy has revealed that prana can be felt, seen and experienced, and the perception of this energy has brought about some positive changes to their psychological status.
Prana has not been studied much. A review of previous pranic studies says that anyone with an interest can see and experience pranic energy with proper training and guidance. In addition, understanding and experiencing prana itself is very beneficial.
Therefore, the study aimed to explore this experience by understanding the feelings and sensations involved in the perception of pranic energy among the participants.
Pranic Healing System
Relationship with aura, chakra balancing
Pranic Healing uses this energy and the principle of energy transformation for healing purposes. It makes you aware of the aura around your body, the energy centers operating around you i.e. the chakras and their influence on your health.
It teaches to feel or scan the aura and also to determine which parts of the chakras are healthy and which ones are affected. Then, based on this knowledge, you can balance your energy deficit chakra through chakra healing methods.
By learning about energy and aura, we gradually become more and more aware of their presence in the people as well as the objects around them.
Energy body or aura in pranic healing
The energy body absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the body.
How does Pranic Healing work?
When there is some imbalance in our energy field, we suffer from health disorders as well as diseases. Pranic Healing corrects this imbalance and balances the body's energy field. Consequently it also transfers the life force to the patient.
This life force transferred into the patient's body through Pranic Healing can be characterized as universal energy. Pranic Healers do not transfer their energy into the patient's body.
Pranic Healing is performed by trained and experienced Pranic Healers. They access universal energy and transmit that energy into the patient's body using specific techniques and frequencies that are specific to specific diseases and conditions.
The Pranic Healer does not touch the patient's body while transferring energy or life force into the patient's body. Pranic healing enhances the body's innate capacity to spontaneously heal itself on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
The healer performs pranic healing on his client in three steps.
- Check and Check – The practitioner examines the client and scans for any abnormalities in his prana, i.e. energy field.
- Cleansing – The healer then puts all his efforts and wisdom into removing the abnormal energy. It includes all the actions taken to remove the dirty or diseased energy in the body and to eradicate the blockages present in the energy channels.
- Replenish, revitalize and replenish the body with life force – After the cleansing process is complete, new life energy is transferred to the body and energized.
When bleeding occurs from a finger wound, our body's healing power automatically takes the necessary steps to prevent blood loss and repair damaged tissue. It is an automatic recovery process which is an innate mechanism and intelligence system of the body.
Likewise our bodies are constantly exposed to many environmental toxins on a daily basis. Our body's innate defense system fights all these things and protects us from possible diseases that could fall victim to us. We often see that we feel filled and full of energy when we are healthy and happy. Here there is a lot of pranic energy flowing freely in our system. It also reflects that our body is rich in pranic power when we are physically and mentally healthy.
On the other hand, we feel sad, tired, and drained whenever we feel upset and sick. In this condition our body lacks source of prana. The opposite is also true. If pranic energy is high, we are healthy and happy. Another way of understanding is that when we increase the pranic energy in the body through pranic healing, the healing is quite fast and restores health and happiness.
If pranic energy is low, we are unwell and sad. Even in this case, pranic healing helps restore lost energy and balances the flow of prana in the body. In this way it helps sick people to recover from their physical, mental and emotional ailments.
The healing process of an individual is thus accelerated by increasing the pranic life force within it. This energy is available naturally from the Sun, air and earth.
Benefits of Pranic Healing
- Helps lower body temperature during fever
- Coughs and colds can be relieved quickly
- Helps reduce stress and negative thoughts
- Promotes happiness, inner peace, self-esteem and spiritual spiritual growth
- Helps in increasing one's strength, immunity and stamina ones
- Helps in improving interpersonal skills
- Help someone in getting better memory and concentration
- One attains the ability to attract good luck and prosperity
- Eye, heart, liver and kidney problems can also be completely or partially resolved in a few sessions
- Pranic Healing is a simple healing method.
- Safe, natural and simple to do and well tested.
- This is a therapy in which no touch or medication is used for healing purposes.
- Treatment and care can still be continued as long as the patient is undergoing Pranic Healing.
- This is a holistic approach. It makes the whole body healthy. It also heals the mind and makes it calm and balanced.
- It can also be used for distance healing.
- It can be performed on people of all age groups.
- It can also be used for animals and plants.
- This is a systematic and real therapy.
- It is not only used for healing but also for maintaining health and also for prevention.
- When used in proper combination with medical treatments, it provides fast healing and recovery from various ailments.